14:57 PM - 16 Jul 2024

The 2025 Sixth Form Applications are now open!Please see the link below to the Admissions page on the HWS website:

16:30 PM - 10 Jul 2024

AVEN was an exhilarating rollercoaster of an immersive performance! Year 12 Drama students attendied the opening night of this euphoric show last night. Never to be forgotten- incredible!

18:00 PM - 8 Jul 2024

Wow! The final performance of RENT last Friday was incredible! Huge congratulations to the cast and crew, and a special shoutout to Mrs Bisceglie (Director) and Ms Cassidy (Musical Director). Check out our next Newsletter for more photos and details about this amazing production!

14:02 PM - 8 Jul 2024

18:00 PM - 4 Jul 2024

The June Newsletter is now ready to view - enjoy!

16:32 PM - 3 Jul 2024

We still have a few tickets left for RENT this Thursday and Friday. You can pay on the door and hopefully see you there!

18:00 PM - 2 Jul 2024

It was the Year 6 Induction Day today and students enjoyed a taste of life at HWS! The day started with an assembly followed by tutor time, subject taster sessions and break/lunch in the canteen. They all had an amazing day and we look forward to seeing them again in September!

16:49 PM - 27 Jun 2024

What a lovely evening for a Prom - nearly ready and can't wait to see you later Year 11!

18:00 PM - 25 Jun 2024

18:00 PM - 22 Jun 2024

This week's topical read!

Literacy Support

Literacy is a right.  It is implicit in the right to education.  It is recognised as a right, explicitly for both children and adults, in certain international conventions and is included in key international declarations.

The rationale for recognising literacy as a right is the set of benefits it confers on individuals, families, communities and nations. Indeed, it is widely reckoned that, in modern societies ‘literacy skills are fundamental to informed decision-making, personal empowerment, active and passive participation in local and global social community.’  (Stromquist, 2005)

An ever increasing amount of importance is being placed on the use of spelling, punctuation and grammar  (SPaG) for students at GCSE and the quality of written communication at A ‘Level, and at Hinchley Wood School we have a whole-school commitment to ensure that every child is fully prepared to achieve well here as well as having good literacy skills for later life.

Students have been introduced to the ‘Naughty Forty’ list of words – those being the forty most commonly misspelt words in Hinchley Wood School – and are encouraged to actively use these in their subjects to ensure familiarity. Students in Key Stage Three are tested on these regularly in English. Other Literacy activities are delivered through tutor time too, where common mistakes are highlighted and rectified, such as the use of apostrophes and capital letters as well as whole-school competitions and initiatives.

On this section of the website you can find these tutor activities should you wish to work on these with your child at home, as well as other useful information, such as the ‘Naughty Forty’ list of words and a list of which current GCSE subjects are subject to separate spelling, punctuation and grammar marks.