14:57 PM - 16 Jul 2024

The 2025 Sixth Form Applications are now open!Please see the link below to the Admissions page on the HWS website:

16:30 PM - 10 Jul 2024

AVEN was an exhilarating rollercoaster of an immersive performance! Year 12 Drama students attendied the opening night of this euphoric show last night. Never to be forgotten- incredible!

18:00 PM - 8 Jul 2024

Wow! The final performance of RENT last Friday was incredible! Huge congratulations to the cast and crew, and a special shoutout to Mrs Bisceglie (Director) and Ms Cassidy (Musical Director). Check out our next Newsletter for more photos and details about this amazing production!

14:02 PM - 8 Jul 2024

18:00 PM - 4 Jul 2024

The June Newsletter is now ready to view - enjoy!

16:32 PM - 3 Jul 2024

We still have a few tickets left for RENT this Thursday and Friday. You can pay on the door and hopefully see you there!

18:00 PM - 2 Jul 2024

It was the Year 6 Induction Day today and students enjoyed a taste of life at HWS! The day started with an assembly followed by tutor time, subject taster sessions and break/lunch in the canteen. They all had an amazing day and we look forward to seeing them again in September!

16:49 PM - 27 Jun 2024

What a lovely evening for a Prom - nearly ready and can't wait to see you later Year 11!

18:00 PM - 25 Jun 2024

18:00 PM - 22 Jun 2024

This week's topical read!

Adverse Weather Protocol

Please note, in the event of a severe weather warning that may affect the school’s normal opening hours, the following procedures will be put in place:

  • As soon as we are alerted to severe weather an email will be sent to parents with regular updates (if you know of a parent that would not receive an email we would ask that you would help them by notifying them there may be a closure)
  • Any decision to close the school will be made by 7am.  Information will be emailed to parents and posted on the front page of the website.
  • will be updated on a regular basis – you will need to refresh your browser if you stay logged on to the website
  • Wherever possible, we will have the school phone manned for telephone queries.
  • There will be a skeleton staff manning the telephones and to be on hand should a student not get the message and arrive at school.  

What happens if the weather deteriorates during the school day?

  • The school will only close in the event of severe weather or on advice from the Local Authority.  The decision will be made by the Headteacher.
  • The decision will be posted on the website, sent by email and students will be permitted to text a dictated message to parents.
  • Wherever possible, we will arrange for the school buses to come early.
  • Students that are normally collected will be instructed to contact parents for advice on what to do.
  • Students walking home will be advised to walk in groups.
  • School will be kept opened and appropriately staffed until the last student has left the building.
  • Please note that staff are not permitted to give lifts to students.

How you can help:

  • Relay the message to anyone you know not able to be contacted by the school.
  • Where possible, keep regular checks on the school website.
  • Talk through the procedure with your son/daughter and plan with them what they should do in the event of bad weather.