18:00 PM - 14 Oct 2024

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11:15 AM - 10 Oct 2024

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08:57 AM - 4 Oct 2024

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18:00 PM - 27 Sep 2024

11:00 AM - 23 Sep 2024

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10:31 AM - 23 Sep 2024

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17:00 PM - 14 Sep 2024

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18:00 PM - 13 Sep 2024

The curtain has risen on another year of fabulous theatre trips for HWS Drama students. Punchdrunk's incredible Viola's Room was the first spectacle for our A Level Drama students and what a show to start with. It was immersive storytelling at its best and a unique experience!

15:01 PM - 9 Sep 2024

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)


Hws careers logoOverview for Students, Teachers, Employers, Parents/Carers and Governors

Hinchley Wood School is committed to offering students high quality career learning opportunities. All young people need help to make progress through their learning and to prepare for adult life. They will benefit from a planned programme of activities to help them make decisions, choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and plan their careers both in school and after they leave. We provide a programme of internal careers education and externally provided independent and impartial careers information, advice and guidance (IAG). It is very important to us to know that all leavers, whether at the end of Year 11 or Year 13, have an appropriate plan in place for their next steps.

Our careers programme is overseen by our Head of Careers, with our Sixth Form Support and Guidance Coordinator responsible for leading careers education in the Sixth Form. We work in partnership with the Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium, Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC), local businesses, colleges and universities to support our careers education. We are also building a stronger alumni and we work in partnership with many parents/carers in the local community.

CEIAG Bulletin 2024

The CEIAG Policy below sets out the school’s approach to careers education. Our Provider Access Policy sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students and parents/carers at the school.  The strategy outlines the planned CEIAG activities and events for each year group.


CEIAG Policy 

CEIAG Strategy

Provider Access Policy


Head of Careers: Mrs Robyn Boyd | e: | t: 0208 398 7161 ext. 123

Careers Line Manager (SMT): Miss Lucy Macdonald | e: | t: 0208 398 7161

Link Careers Governor: Dr Caroline Whitehouse | e: | t: 0208 398 7161 ext. 109

Sixth Form Support and Guidance Coordinator: TBA |e: | t: 0208 398 7161 ext. 153

Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium Careers Advisor: Mrs Alex Elbourn | e: | t: 0208 398 7161 ext. 123

Gatsby Benchmarks

The CEIAG provision at Hinchley Wood School is mapped against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, which is reviewed annually by the Head of Careers.

  1. A stable careers programme

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents/carers, teachers and employers.

  1. Learning from careers and labour market information

Every student and their parents/carers should have access to good-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

  1. Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

  1. Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

  1. Encounters with employers and employees

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment, and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

  1. Experiences of workplaces

Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks.

  1. Encounters with further and higher education

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

  1. Personal guidance

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a careers adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. This should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs.

Provider Access Legislation

Provider Access Legislation (PAL)

The Provider Access Legislation (PAL) is new guidance that is coming into force in January 2023. The updated Provider Access Legislation (PAL) specifies schools must provide at least six encounters for all their students: 

  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend
  • Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend

The new legislation will become a key mechanism to further help learners understand and take-up, not just apprenticeships, but wider technical education options such as T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.

In summary, all students at Hinchley Wood School have opportunities to learn about opportunities to access alternative routes to employment, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships via readiness curriculum activities which include; drop-down days, assemblies, tutorials, Unifrog, STEPs, work experience and careers fairs. The provisions made at Hinchley Wood School are detailed in the Provider Access Policy.

CEIAG Programme

CEIAG begins in Year 7 and continues through to Year 13. The programme includes lessons based on career planning, self-evaluation, making decisions, economic well-being and employability skills and is delivered through the STEPs Careers Programme and Unifrog in PSHE lessons. Careers education for Years 7 - 13 is mainly delivered through the PSHE curriculum, consisting of a twenty-minute tutorial every week. In addition, students in Years 7 – 9 receive a biweekly one-hour lesson.

STEPS Careers Programme

The Step Series is a complete careers programme consisting of individual student workbooks which take students through the stages of career planning from age 11, right through to planning post-18 options. The workbooks are progressive and are relevant to each age group. They cover a range of issues to help students to understand more about themselves, find out about careers and the world of work and help them to plan for their future.


This online platform is well-used by students as it helps them make intelligent, well informed choices about their futures. Unifrog allows students to use data to decide which route to choose after school, help students avoid common decision-making mistakes and enable teachers to track where their students have got to in making their choices. Students can also compare individual university courses and apprenticeships, allowing them assess going to university alongside doing an apprenticeship. Parents are also given full access to Unifrog to enable their informed involvement in a choice which will shape their childrens’ lives.


  • As early as Year 7, we introduce students to career resources, such as the ‘STEPs’ booklets as they start to identify the types of jobs they are interested in, and the personal qualities and skills required to do each job (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 3)
  • Subject Careers Champions ensure students learn about personal development, planning, and decision making in their PSHE, English, Mathematics, Science and Technology lessons (Gatsby Benchmark 4)
  • During Years 7, 8 and 9 students investigate various aspects of careers education through their PSHE lessons, although there is a crossover into all subjects, and by accessing dedicated careers websites such as Unifrog (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 4)
  • As our students progress through the school, opportunities are developed and include external speakers, webinars, and events dedicated to thinking about next steps (Gatsby Benchmarks 4, 5 and 7)
  • The school organises enrichment days and educational visits across the key stage which provides opportunities for students to explore different career avenues (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 5 and 6)
  • In Year 9, students make their GCSE choices, and students are fully supported as they make their choices. The options evening in March gives parents/carers and students a chance to talk to the different subject areas. Student work is displayed and students who are already taking the courses are on hand to provide an insight into their learning and experiences of the chosen subject (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 4)
  • In the run up to this evening, students are provided with a wealth of information via the Tutor programme and in assemblies. During the evening all students have a one-to-one interview with a member of staff from the Senior or Pastoral teams to discuss their option choices, and career aspirations (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 3)
  • All Pupil Premium and SEND students in Year 9 are offered one-to-one career interviews with the school’s career adviser. The careers advisor is also present at the options evening for advice and guidance (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 8)
  • In previous years the school has organised National Careers and Apprenticeship Week where students have participated in form time activities and competitions (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6)


  • We encourage all students to consider the career possibilities throughout Year 10 and 11 and we provide impartial guidance and information on post 16 options through tutor time (Unifrog and STEPs), assemblies and attendance at external events (Gatsby Benchmarks 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)
  • Year 10 students have the opportunity to attend Further Education days, such as the annual Next Steps Careers Fair in the spring term. This is based at Esher College on behalf of the Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium, to give students information on post-16 options and all Year 10 students attend (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 7)
  • We offer one-to-one career interviews with the Careers Adviser to Year 10 students during the summer term, and these continue into Year 11. The data collected from interviews, combined with information about proposed destinations obtained from all students, results in a clear picture about Post 16 intentions. A further Next Steps interview is prioritised for any targeted student, based on clear identification of need and support requirements and their progress is monitored (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3, 7 and 8)
  • The Key Stage 4 team offer advice and guide students through the Apprenticeship application process. Sue Taylor from ALPS Surrey runs an annual assembly and follow up workshop with any students who are interested in undertaking an Apprenticeship or a Degree Apprenticeship (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 7)
  • In the summer term of Year 10, all students take part in Take Your Child To Work Day. Here, students are offered the chance to take part in the national ‘TYCTWD’ and will travel to and from work with that person (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6)
  • In Year 11 students focus on making decisions and informed choices for their options after their GCSEs. Well-planned information is provided about our own post 16 provision as well as external institutions (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 7)
  • College Open Evening dates are circulated to all students and parents/carers. Information about college open days are also posted on the school website, with prospectuses available online (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 7)
  • Once GCSE exams have finished, we organise an Induction Day for all students that have applied to our 6th Form. Students spend the day in our 6th Form area, and they attend a range of lessons to support their A level course choices (Gatsby Benchmark 7)
  • We encourage Key Stage 4 students to volunteer within the local community as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6)
  • All students in key stage 4 have access to lectures, talks and webinars, from motivational speakers and industry professionals (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 5)
  • Across Years 10 and 11, subject Careers Champions ensure students learn about personal development, planning, and decision making in their PSHE, English, Mathematics, Science and Technology lessons (Gatsby Benchmark 4)

CEIAG in KS5 (Sixth Form)

  • Support and Guidance: The Sixth Form have a dedicated Student Support and Guidance Co-ordinator, Andrea Brandon, whose role it is to guide, inform and support students with all their options post A Level. This includes degree courses both UK and international, Oxbridge, Apprenticeships and Work, all of which are valued equally (Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 2 and 7)
  • Advice: Students receive frequent advice and guidance on potential careers from our Sixth Form team who work one to one with students to understand their potential career paths and help them find the degree courses or training that would enable them to pursue their goals. Often this involves introducing students to a much wider range of possibilities than they had considered to enable them to fulfil their potential (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 7)
  • Range of Support: Students have a comprehensive tutor programme, assemblies, career events, corporate breakfasts, individual support and mentoring by members of the Sixth Form team. Personalised support is given with UCAS statements, applications for apprenticeships or other employment (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 4)
  • Apprenticeships: Within the Sixth Form team there are experienced staff who are able to advice and guide students through the Apprenticeship application process. Information from local and national employers about Apprenticeships are emailed directly to relevant students by Andrea Brandon. Sue Taylor from ALPS Surrey runs an annual assembly and follow up workshop with any students who are interested in undertaking an Apprenticeship or a Degree Apprenticeship (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 7)
  • Young Enterprise: Students are given the opportunity to work together to come up with a commercial idea, set up a business, develop and sell a product whilst managing a budget, marketing and engaging in all the facets of business. This is an excellent way that students are introduced to the world of work and is well attended and successful programme (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3,  4 and 5)
  • Corporate Breakfast: Twice a year, students are invited to attend Corporate Breakfasts, where they can hear a panel of successful professionals talk about the route that they took to their career and ask questions either of the whole panel or individually after the event, offering direct contact with employers who can offer meaningful advice (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3, 5 and 6)
  • Year 12 Work experience: We are very proud of our record for having all students go out to a work placement of their choice for one week towards the end of the summer term. We have been able to establish a database of employers who are more than pleased to accommodate students from our Sixth Form and these relationships ensure that students get the very best from their placements, which help inform and guide their post A Level choices (Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6)
  • Oxbridge: We run a comprehensive programme beginning at the start of Year 12, for students who want to make an application to study at either Oxford or Cambridge. This programme guides students through the application process and provides them with opportunities to broaden horizons beyond their subject syllabus, developing their confidence and ability to think critically along the way (Gatsby Benchmarks 4 and 7)
  • Visiting Speakers: We regularly invite alumni back to speak to current students about their post Hinchley Wood journey. These speakers include successful apprentices, Doctors, Vets, Under and Post –Graduates. This gives students a fantastic opportunity to meet with people in work or training who they can connect with and learn from (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 5 and 6)
  • Spotlight: Lots of emphasis is placed on displaying a wide variety of different routes that our Hinchley Wood students have taken. Displays charting the Career paths of previous students are very visible, University Destinations are displayed every year on a large map so that current students can appreciate the wide range of places and courses that the previous year’s students have followed. Teachers have their own careers journeys posted on classroom doors to exemplify the huge range of different paths taken (Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 2 and 5)
  • Our full support is given to students who do not wish to go to university. The year 12 Futures Evening takes place in March each year in which key information about the next steps is shared with parents/carers of year 12 students. Each year this is a very well attended event. Targeted Apprenticeship opportunities are sent to the relevant students in both Year 12 and 13 (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 7)
  • Futures Day: Year 12 participate in a Futures Day, following on from the evening. Students are off-timetable and use the day to investigate the pathways open to them at the end of their school career. This involves group sessions exploring the pros and cons of University versus Apprenticeships, the application process and outcome potentials for both.  There is also a full introduction to the Unifrog Platform demonstrating how to understand different career paths in depth, personality profiles and job matches as well as how to search, filter and rank all of their options (Gatsby Benchmarks 2 and 3)
  • Careers Advisor: Students from both Year 12 and 13 have the opportunity to make an appointment with the external careers advisor to explore their future options (Gatsby Benchmarks 2, 3 and 8)

Careers in the Curriculum

Careers in the Curriculum

Below, you will find possible career opportunities for each subject area at Hinchley Wood School. This may help you to decide on what you might aspire to be in the future or, should you have a favourite subject that you would like to pursue a career in, it may also give you a fresh insight into the possibilities that other subjects that you find less interesting might give you. You will also find details on how careers education is built into the curriculum for each subject area.

If any students, teachers, employers, parents/carers or governors have questions about careers related to each subject area, please contact the subject’s Careers Champion below for further information:


Careers in English

Digital Copywriter

Publishing Copy Editor

Editorial Assistant

Web Content Manager

English as a Foreign Language Teacher



Academic Librarian

Magazine Journalist

Advertising Account Executive


Please direct any careers related questions to the English Careers Champion, Mrs R Williams (

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Mathematics




Tax Advisor

Payroll Manager

Buying Manager

Robotics Engineer and Scientist


Game Coder

Product Designer


Please direct any careers related questions to the Mathematics Careers Champion, Mrs A Creed (

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Science

Make-up Artist

Pharmaceutical Representative

PE Teacher



Forensic Scientist


Environmental Scientist




Please direct any careers related questions to the Science Careers Champion, Mr G Woodier (

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Design and Technology

Sound Engineer

Art Director

Graphic Designer

Web Developer

Interior Designer

Civil Engineer

Industrial Designer


Video Game Designer

Software Developer


Please direct any careers related questions to the Design and Technology Careers Champion, Ms A Boromei (

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Business and Economics

Management Trainee

Underwriter Trainee

Financial Management Consultant

Economic Research Assistant

Operations Analyst

Purchasing Associate

Junior Portfolio Manager

Sales Representative

Junior Economist

Market Research Analyst


Please direct any careers related questions to the Business and Economics Careers Champion, Mr M Whittaker (

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Art

Graphic Designer


Art Director




Game Designer

Art Teacher


University Lecturer


Please direct any careers related questions to the Art Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Computer Science

Web Designer

Network Manager

Media Researcher

Database Ambassador

Information Scientist

Network Engineer

Security Service Personnel

System Analyst

Data Entry Clerk

Computer Games Developer


Please direct any careers related questions to the Computer Science Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Drama

Music Producer

Music Publicist

Recording Engineer


Artist Manager

Music Arranger

Tour Manager

Music Teacher

Booking Agent

Session Musician


Please direct any careers related questions to the Drama Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Geography


GIS Officer



Travel Agent

Air Steward



Environmental Consultant

Armed Forces


Please direct any careers related questions to the Geography Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in History

Heritage Manager

Historic Buildings Inspector

Conservation Officer

Museum Education Officer

Museum or Gallery Curator

Museum or Gallery Exhibitions Officer

Secondary School Teacher

Academic Librarian




Please direct any careers related questions to the History Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Modern Foreign Languages


Cabin Crew

Travel Rep

Tourist Information

Tour Guide

MFL Teacher



Bi-lingual Secretary

Foreign Correspondent


Please direct any careers related questions to the Modern Foreign Languages Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Music

Music Producer

Music Publicist

Recording Engineer


Artist Manager

Music Arranger

Tour Manager

Music Teacher

Booking Agent

Session Musician


Please direct any careers related questions to the Music Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Physical Education

Sports Coach

Activities Leader

PE Teacher

Sport Centre Manager

Community Worker

Social Worker


Personal Trainer

Sports Development Officer



Please direct any careers related questions to the Physical Education Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Philosophy, Religion & Ethics


Civil Service administrator

Advice worker

Community development worker


Editorial assistant

Charity fundraiser

Equality, diversity and inclusion officer

Charity officer



Please direct any careers related questions to the Philosophy, Religion & Ethics Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Psychology

Clinical Psychologist

Advice Worker

Counselling Psychologist

Border Force officer

Mental health Practitioner

Careers Adviser

Educational Psychologist

Life Coach

Forensic Psychologist



Please direct any careers related questions to the Psychology Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Careers in Sociology

Advice Worker

Police Officer

Community Development Worker

Policy Officer

Family Support Worker

Marketing Executive

Probation Officer

Social Researcher

Housing Manager

Youth Worker


Please direct any careers related questions to the Sociology Careers Champion

To see how careers is taught in this subject, please click here


Individual Careers Guidance

The school employs an external independent adviser to complement other careers education offered at the school. Alex Elbourn is our Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium Careers Adviser, who works across five establishments in Elmbridge and is available in school every Thursday. She arranges one-to-one interviews with students from different year groups.

From Year 10, students are able to have an individual careers appointment with Alex Elbourn. All SEND and PP students receive an appointment in Year 9 prior to making their GCSE option choices. Other students may request an appointment or be referred by their Head of Learning or Form Tutor.

Appointments are prioritised for students in Year 10 and 11 seeking advice and guidance on their next step pathways. At the meeting an action plan will be drawn up and a copy emailed to the student to help them move forward with their plans. In addition, students in Year 12 and Year 13 are offered the opportunity of a careers appointment and are further supported by the Sixth Form Support and Guidance Coordinator who helps students with their Apprenticeship and UCAS applications, including those for Oxbridge.

To arrange a careers appointment contact Mrs Alex Elbourn, Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium Careers Advisor, at or directly on 0208 398 7161 ext. 123.

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI) is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area, understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. It helps to break down the complex ‘world of work’, ranging from descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, promotional prospects, salaries paid, skills and qualifications needed, etc. Crucially for young people, LMI also covers future demand e.g. what kinds of jobs will be in demand after leaving school and what kinds of skills will be needed. Use the links below to explore Labour Market Information both locally and nationally.

Local Labour Market Information (LMI)

Use the links below from EnterpriseM3 and the Education Development Trust which look at the path of the labour market in our region.

National and Local Statistics

Use the link below to compare the Labour Market by region, job type and company:

UK Labour Market Projections 2014 – 2024

Use the link below by UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) which projects the future size and shape of the labour market by considering employment prospects by industry, occupation, qualification level, gender and employment status:

Careerometer (LMI for All)

Use Careerometer below to compare different jobs salary, working hours, etc. Just click the dotted square. Type in the first career that you think you might be interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add your second choice to see the comparison:

Year 11 Leavers' Destinations

When leaving Hinchley Wood School, the largest proportion of our Year 11 students progress onto our Sixth Form. However, an increasing number of our students choose to apply to Esher College or apprenticeships.

Click here to view the destinations of our 2021/2022 Year 11 leavers

At Hinchley Wood School, we recognise that several Post 16 options are appropriate for each individual student and design activities such as the Sixth Form Open Evening, ALPS Surrey Apprenticeship Assembly/Workshop and Next Steps Careers Fair to broaden awareness of the options. Personal guidance is also provided to consider student interests such as studying towards BTEC, T Levels etc. 

Year 13 Leavers' Destinations

After leaving Hinchley Wood Sixth Form, the vast majority of our Year 13 students progress onto University. Yet, in recent years, a rising percentage of our students are choosing to apply for an apprenticeship, take a gap year or go into full time employment.

Click here to view the destinations of our 2021/2022 Year 13 leavers

University Destinations

In September 2021, 119 students went on to study at University. The map and table below shows the Year 13 University destinations of Hinchley Wood Sixth Form students:

Click here to view the University destination map

Hinchley Wood Sixth Form students attend high quality universities. The table below shows the proportion of students who accept places at different types of universities, based on the grades or ‘tariff’ they demand. The Higher Tariff universities include the Russell Group and the Sutton Trust’s list of 30 of the most selective, research-intensive universities.

Tariff Provider Group

Hinchley Wood School Acceptances 2022

Higher tariff


Medium tariff


Lower tariff


Apprenticeship Destinations

Students who are considering an apprenticeship are assisted during the course of their time at Hinchley Wood Sixth Form. This mainly consists of assemblies for students and parents/carers which are followed-up by workshops delivered by ALPS Surrey, in addition to internal support and guidance. As a result, Hinchley Wood Sixth Form students have previously progressed onto the following apprenticeships:

  • Level 3 & 4 Civil Engineering with Tony & Gee Esher
  • Level 4 Apprenticeship in Business Administration for Arcadia – Merchandiser
  • Level 5 HR Management currently studying an MSc at HM Treasury
  • Level 6 Business Management with Red Carnation Hotels
  • Level 6 Commercial Property Surveyor Apprentice with Transport for London
  • Level 6 in Financial Crime, Risk and Compliance for Deloitte
  • Level 6  Project Management for Arup Engineering
  • Level 6 Project Management for nuclear submarine complex systems BAE

University and Apprenticeship Case Studies

Click on the pictures below to view the University and apprenticeship case studies:

Sophie MaceHugo Jones

Information for Parents/Carers

As parents/carers you play a vital part in ensuring your child gains the best information, advice and guidance to prepare them for life once they leave Hinchley Wood School both with the skills they have developed and the knowledge they have. Therefore, this website should provide you with all the information you need to help support you and enable you to take an active role in your child’s CEIAG. Understanding the changes in the labour market is equally important as knowing the education providers that are available, as it is this information on the growth market that may help develop a successful career.

As parents/carers you are also welcome to receive any CEIAG that you wish to receive. We have a range of information, prospectuses and resources to help you to create a CV and prepare for job or college interviews, so please feel free to contact the Head of Careers to find out more.

Our partnership with the Elmbridge 14-19 Consortium also provides parents/carers with the opportunity to seek professional guidance from a qualified Careers Adviser. Again, any further information you require for this, please contact the Head of Careers. Alternatively, the National Careers Service provides a wealth of provision to support both yourselves as parents/carers and elder siblings in pursuing or developing your careers. This includes support with job applications, making the right choices and how to change careers. Please look for further information on their website:

Another way in which parents/carers can support their child is through the use of the Unifrog platform. This allows you to map your child’s career path at home. It provides access of what we are covering with students in school based on the career modules. It also allows them to look at all aspects of careers in more detail from college, universities, apprenticeships and routes into employment. This helps raise aspirations and it educates them in the current LMI and assess jobs that will be secure in their child’s future.  We are anticipating that Unifrog will be a valuable tool in us accessing data on parent/carer interaction on the site as it maps the percentage of people using the platform so that way we can look for gaps and make necessary changes.

Parents/carers are sent regular correspondence and updates on open evenings, parent’s evenings, college open events and up and other coming careers events. They are also encouraged to attend sessions on how to help support their child with revision and college choices and how to raise their aspirations.

Information for Employers

We like to work with employers by supporting the delivery of our careers programme. This is mainly through supporting classroom activities, delivering special projects or assisting with real and/or virtual site visits. We are looking for employers and businesses in every sector, that can engage with our students and impart their skills and knowledge as well as opening their eyes to career opportunities. There are a number of ways in which you can help our students, many of them taking just one hour of your time periodically. If you would like to be involved with the careers programme at Hinchley Wood School, or know someone at your workplace who could be of any assistance, please contact Mr Matthew Whittaker, Head of Careers, at or directly on 0208 398 7161 ext. 123.

Information for Teachers

All Hinchley Wood School teaching staff can go to the ‘CEIAG’ folder on our shared staff Q Drive to access the following resources and information:

  • Our CEIAG Policy (including Provider Access Policy)
  • CEIAG Strategy for all year groups across the current academic year (updated half termly)
  • Our CEIAG Action Plan for the current academic year
  • Subject specific resources and information for you to use with students
  • Careers Advisor overview for the year (updated half termly)

CEIAG Programme Evaluations

Hinchley Wood School measures and accesses its CEIAG programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks. The impact is measured through student, parent/carer and employer feedback. The programme is conducted in relation to the school's CEIAG policy, provider access policy, equality strategy objectives and other relevant policies. If you are a student, parent/carer or an employer, please follow the links below to provide feedback on our CEIAG programme:

Which Way Now? And It’s Your Choice

Which Way Now? And It’s Your Choice

Over the course of the academic year, students in Years 9 and 11 make some very important decisions about their future. To support them in this process, below are the ‘Which Way Now?’ and ‘It’s Your Choice’ booklets.

‘Which Way Now?’ supports delivery of our careers education, advice and guidance with up-to-date, impartial information about the range of education and training options for Key Stage 4 students. There are also case studies from others who have experienced this process, action points to take students through the steps they need to follow, tips and signposts for where to find out more.

Similarly, the ‘It’s Your Choice’ booklet also supports delivery of our careers education, advice and guidance programme with up-to-date, impartial information about the range of education and training options for post 16 students. This includes information about making successful applications, qualifications and assessment, case studies from others who have experienced this process, action points to take students through the steps they need to follow, tips and signposts for where to find out more.

In addition, below is a copy of the ‘Parents and Carers Supplement’ that will support you when helping your child with their subject and career choices.

Updated copies of both booklets and the accompanying supplement are distributed to students and parents/carers every academic year.

Which Way Now?

It's Your Choice

Parents & Carers Supplement

CEIAG Information, Progression and Links

Career Information, Progression and Links:

Careers Choice

Work Experience


Degree and University Choice

Summer Schools

Public Lectures