18:00 PM - 14 Oct 2024

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11:15 AM - 10 Oct 2024

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08:57 AM - 4 Oct 2024

Please visit our website for more information:

18:00 PM - 27 Sep 2024

11:00 AM - 23 Sep 2024

Please visit our website for more information and timings for arrival:

10:31 AM - 23 Sep 2024

Visit the Hinchley Wood Primary School website for more information:

17:00 PM - 14 Sep 2024

Please note the extended closing date.

18:00 PM - 13 Sep 2024

The curtain has risen on another year of fabulous theatre trips for HWS Drama students. Punchdrunk's incredible Viola's Room was the first spectacle for our A Level Drama students and what a show to start with. It was immersive storytelling at its best and a unique experience!

15:01 PM - 9 Sep 2024


Frequently Asked Questions - GCSE and A Level External Exams

Q. Where do the exams take place?

A. Written examinations are held in different venues dependent on numbers and Access Arrangements. Your Individual Timetable shows which room you should attend for each exam. Make sure you check your timetable and know where you are supposed to be.You may not be in the same exam room for every exam. If you do not know where your exam room is, please come to the Exams Office and we can show you. 

Q. What time do the exams start?

A. Morning exams start promptly at 8.30am and afternoon exams at 1.30pm, (Internal exams may start at 12pm/1pm) unless otherwise stated on your timetable. You should arrive at school 15 minutes before the exam start time and make your way to the Fire Assembly Points.

Q. What do I do if I am ill, injured or unable to attend on the day of the exam?

A. Inform the school absence line immediately 0208 398 7161 Option 1 and the Examinations Manager 0208 398 7161 ext.1070/, who will advise what you need to do.

Q. What do I do if there is a clash on my timetable?

A. The school will re-schedule papers internally (on the same day) when there is a clash of subjects. Candidates will normally sit one paper and then sit the second paper straight after depending on the duration of the exams. Correct times should be on the student's final timetable. It may be necessary for a student to be supervised over lunchtime in which case they will need to bring a packed lunch. If this is the case, they will be advised beforehand. If in doubt, please contact the Exams Manager.

Q. What equipment should I bring?

A. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they have all the equipment required before each of their examinations and that they do not bring into the exam room anything that is restricted. Candidates must bring all their equipment into the exam hall in a clear pencil case or clear plastic bag (not coloured).  It is recommended that all candidates should have the following as a minimum: 2 black ballpoint pens, 2 pencils and rubber, a pencil sharpener, a ruler, a highlighter pen (may be used in questions, but never to be used in student’s answers), a protractor and pair of compasses and a calculator.

Students may use a calculator in an exam unless specifically prohibited. Where the use of a calculator is allowed, candidates are responsible for making sure that their calculators meet the awarding bodies’ regulations. A calculator is defined as an electronic device whose primary purpose is to carry out mathematical calculations, a mobile phone or smart watch cannot be used in place of a calculator. If your calculator has an ‘exam mode’ function, you must ensure that this is switched on before and during the exam. You will be asked to show an Invigilator evidence of this.

Q. What can I take into the exam room?

In addition to the required equipment, you can also bring in water in sports cap bottles. Bottles must be clear plastic (not coloured) and free of any labels, branding or words of ANY description. No other drinks are permitted.

Q. What can't I take into the exam room?

A. Candidates are not permitted any potential technological/web enabled sources of information such as a mobile phone, iPod, MP3/4 player or similar devices, Airpods or earphones/earbuds or smart watches. Analogue watches are also forbidden. These devices, along with headphones, must be left at home or in lockers. If any of these devices are found on a candidate during the exam (even if switched off) it will be taken from them and a report will be made to the Awarding Body. It is likely to lead to disquaification.

If a student requires a mobile phone or other electronic device in the exam room with them due to medical reasons, this must be agreed with the Examinations Manager in advance.

No food (including sweets, chewing gum and cough sweets) is allowed in the examination rooms. Students who require snacks or medication in the examination room for medical reasons must approve this with the Examinations Manager in advance. Food/medication should be removed from all packaging and stored in a clear Tupperware box, (not coloured).Tissues are available from invigilators; students should not bring in their own. If a student wears glasses, the glasses case cannot be brought into the examination room. 

Q. What do I do if I have the wrong paper?

A. Invigilators will ask you to check you have the correct paper before the exam starts. If you think something is wrong, put your hand up and tell the Invigilator immediately.

Q. What do I do if I forget my Candidate Number?

A. Candidate numbers are printed on the candidate cards which are placed on every desk for every exam.

Q. What do I do if I forget the Centre Number?

A. The Centre number is 64690. It is always clearly displayed in the Exam Room and is also on the candidate card on your desk.

Q. What do I do if I feel unwell during the exam?

A. Put your hand up and an Invigilator will assist you. You should tell an Invigilator or the Examinations Manager if you feel ill before the exam.

Q. If I miss an Exam can I take it on another day?

A. No. Most exams are now taken at the end of a two year course so there will not be another opportunity to re-take, apart from GCSE Maths and English Language. You will be awarded zero marks for the paper you have missed.

Q. Do I have to wear school uniform?

A. Yes, normal school regulations apply to uniform, hair, jewellery, make-up, shoes etc. Normal Sixth Form dress code also applies.

Q. How do I know how long the exam is?

A. The duration of each Exam is shown in minutes on student’s individual timetables. Invigilators will tell you when to start and finish and will write the finish time on a board at the front of the Exam room.

Q. Can I leave the Exam early?

A. No. It is school policy not to allow students to leave the exam early as this is disruptive to other students. If students finish early they should use the time to check their answers and check that all their details are correctly filled in.

Q. Can I go to the toilet during an Exam?

A. Yes, if it is absolutely necessary. Raise your hand to attract the Invigilators attention and they will escort you, but never within the last half hour. You will not be allowed to have the missed time added on. You should always try to go to the toilet before you enter the exam room.

Q. If I am entitled to extra time, how will this affect the way I take my exams?

A. Some students receive an allowance of extra time for some of their examinations. Where possible these students will sit together to minimise disruption from the other candidates who finish earlier. The Invigilators are aware of students requiring extra time.

Q. What is Special Consideration?

A. Special Consideration is an adjustment to the marks or grades of a candidate who is eligible. The allowance for Special Consideration is from 0% (consideration given but addition of marks considered inappropriate) to 5% (reserved for exceptional circumstances). Parents should be aware that any adjustment is likely to be small and no feedback is ever provided.

Candidates will only be eligible for special consideration if they have been fully prepared and covered the whole course but their performance is affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control during the examination. Candidates will be asked to provide appropriate evidence that may need to be provided to support a request for special consideration.

Examples of such circumstances may be illness (affecting performance on the day of the exam), accident or injury, bereavement or domestic crisis. The Examinations Manager must be informed immediately, so that the necessary paperwork can be completed. The candidate will be asked to provide evidence to support such an application.