Year 11
Year 11 GCSE Exams will take place from Thursday 8th May to Tuesday 20th June. The full timetable is now available to view and download below, GCSE exams are highlighted in purple. MFL speaking exams will be scheduled from Monday 28th April to Wednesday 30th April, MFL teachers will confirm the details. Individual candidate timetables will be sent to students and their parents / carers via InTouch in April.
Students are advised to familiarise themselves with the requirements for written public examinations in the Student Examinations Handbook. You can also find details of the exam boards for each subject, which you may find useful if you are purchasing revision guides. Further subject information can be found on the exam board websites. You can also download both documents below.
All Art and Design subject practicals will take place on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd April. Subject teachers will provide further information.
Food Preparation and Nutrition practicals will take place on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th March. Subject teachers will provide further information.